Linda Hendrickson
Tablet Weaving and Ply-Splitting Books, Tools & Kits

Stainless Steel Ply-Split Basket by Linda Hendrickson

[SCOT stainless steel basket]
This ply-split basket was shown in Small Expressions 2001 in St. Louis, MO, juried by Randall Darwall.

I made this basket using stainless steel yarn manufactured by Bridgestone Metalpha Corporation, Tochigi, Japan. The brown color is the result of a special heat treatment. This is the yarn that Peter Collingwood used for his macrogauze hanging in the Kiryu Cultural Center. Peter made the hanging in 9 separate strips, each with its own differently colored warp, so there were lots of thrums; he generously sent me this dark brown and some "natural" stainless steel (which I haven't used yet). I think this is the first ply-split basket made with this yarn.

[SCOT stainless steel basket] I made the cords in the usual way, except that since I was working with thrums, I had to tie each end separately to the cordmaker and the outend. The basket is heavy, and very flexible. I was quite surprised to see how "lacy" the stainless steel looks. I was able to cut individual strands of the yarn with scissors, but had to use wire cutters to cut the cords. I used 50 cords, and finished the basket by wrapping the 100 ends with the same yarn. Approximately 2-1/2" high and 8" across, including fringe. February 2001.

Kits for Ply-Split Braids and Ornaments
Kits for Ply-Split Baskets

This page created in 2001 and updated on June 21, 2013.